2015年7月31日 星期五



依报導, 国大教授指出, 单一源流学校行不通, 母语教育成独有DNA.............
師大副校長说, 各源流学校没有分化种, 而把文化留给下一代..............

总檢察長强调, 政府须站稳立场, 宪法保多源流学校..................

馬來専业与知识份子对国家教育制度的看法, 意见, 提醒那些偏激的政客不应再置疑国家多源流教育制度............


依报導, 瑪拉工艺大学华文班爆滿, 为何巫裔学生如此热烈学习华文华语?
政府官员也越来越多学习汉语, 主要是可助与华裔沟通, 拉近彼此距离,..........!

倫敦市長父女学中文, 为什么.....?

学习多种语文, 掌握多语, 是方便交流, 沟通, 了解, 巫裔学习华文华语趋势下, 未来20年内, 大馬预料巫裔讲华语比华裔多......., 相信嗎?

2015年7月27日 星期一

大馬通讯与多媒体委员会提醒民众, 停止在社交网站散播假新闻

大馬通讯与多媒体委员会提醒民众, 停止在社交网站包括手机应用程序散播假新闻(10/7/15)… 

大馬通讯与多媒体委员会提醒民众, 停止在社交网站包括手机应用程序散播假新闻, 假图片及不确实新闻, 可能抵触多煤体法令而被提控, 可是这些提醒,警告有效嗎 

多煤体法令是無牙老虎但社交煤体诸多不实新闻或假图片仍然盛行, 为什么?

大馬多元种族宗教文化习俗社会, 国家宪法各族权益的共识,国家原则的精神(6/7/15)… 

大馬多元种族宗教文化习俗社会, 国家宪法各族权益的共识, 国家原则的精神, 追求2020年宏愿国家现代化進程已呈褪色, 各族联手建国, 创造社会进步, 国家繁荣团结, 共享双赢局面也因一些偏激思维, 极端宗教倾向, 製造猜疑情绪而影响全民团结和谐气氛, 有理智, 良知, 中庯, 谅解, 抱容的各族社群应站在一起维护国家安全, 社会稳定的责职

各族选民在选区选出代议士, 组成政府应是全民的政府, 国家领袖也是全民领袖, 政府的决策(5/7/15)…. 

各族选民在选区选出代议士, 组成政府应是全民的政府, 国家领袖也是全民领袖, 政府的决策, 应是全民权益的决策, 任何决策以宗教, 主观, 偏見的价值观加绪在他人身上而影响自由民主人权的基本原则, 甚至違反宪法基本权益, 是違背全民政策, 应立即阻止, 纠正或纪律对付, 维护全民民主自由权利, 是政府的一项块擇.


人们总是在失去的时刻才猛然醒悟我们原来的生活是如此美好, 可是世上却没有后悔药, 当我们知道后悔的时候, 一切已经离我们遠去, 不再回返

2015年7月23日 星期四



通过行政方式实施一系列的基於符合伊斯兰化的措施, 但非穆斯林的文化习俗与生活程序却受到干扰, 而穆斯林领袖曾承诺任何实施于穆斯林身上的措施不会影响非穆斯林, 可是却違反誠信, 互相尊重的原则应给予纠正而不应让争议延燒......

外劳湧進數目龎大, 但政府却無法取得所有外劳的真確数目(1/7/15)…. 

外劳湧進數目龎大, 但政府却無法取得所有外劳的真確数目资料, 这对国家安全, 社会稳定带来威脅,猶如计时炸弹, 这项憂慮不受重视, 反而将在3年内再引进150万外劳, 引發全国职总反对, 社会关注, 将使大馬人口结构变动, 外劳将成为第二大族群,过去沙巴事件将是实例重演

2015年7月22日 星期三









2015年7月21日 星期二




1.  国家团结
2.  有上进精神的社会
3.  成熟的民主制度
4.  优雅及有道德的社会
5.  容忍及自由的社会,各族自由信仰宗教习信文化及孝忠国家
6.  科学及进步的社会
7.  爱心的社会
8.  公平合理的社会
9.  有竞争力的经济社会。

Cadangan Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 (2015-2020) akan membentangkan di Dewan Rakyat pada bulai Mei ini.  RMK-11 ini merupakan terakhirnya pelaksanaan strategi Wawasan 2020 untuk menjadi negara maju dengan mengatasi 9 cabaran strategi iaitu : -

1.  Mewujudkan Negara Malaysia bersatu dan kongsi bersama.

2. Mewujudkan masyarakat berjiwa bebas tenteram, maju dengan keyakinan terhadap diri sendiri.

3. Mewujud dan membangunkan masyarakat demokratik yang matang.

4.  Mewujudkan masyarakat yang bermoral dan beretika.

5. Mewujudkan masyarakat liberal, bertolak ansur, rakyat pelbagai kaum bebas mengamalkan adat, kebudayaan dan kepercayaan agama masing-masing.

6.  Mewujudkan masyarakat saintifik dan progresif.

7.  Mewujudkan masyarakat penyayang.

8.  Pengagihan kekayaan negara secara adil dan saksama.

9. Mewujudkan masyarakat makmur yang mempunyai ekonomi bersaing, dinamik


2015年7月20日 星期一












2015年7月16日 星期四





你可以在某些时间里欺骗所有人, 也可以在所有时间里欺骗某些人, 但你决不能在所有时间里欺骗所有人."

与一群有来各地的年軽朋友一起寒喧, 对当前时局, 社会与族群课题互相交换意(1/6/15)… 

昨天与一群有来各地的年軽朋友一起寒喧, 对当前时局, 社会与族群课题互相交换意见, 看法, 侭管大家经历的年代不同, 环境差異, 但畢竟大家都面对同样命運, 因此老中青的结合面对逆境才是硬道理。
年青人的热诚, 精力充沛, 满怀期望是族群的未来及希望, 但需要培训, 交流, 沟通, 增强分析力, 与友族青年并肩推动中庯思维, 消除偏激, 极端走向

人权, 民主, 自由"已成为一些人的口头禅(31/5/15)…. 

"人权, 民主, 自由"已成为一些人的口头禅, 也成为这些人攻击, 指责他人的工具, 但对付罪犯, 毒贩, 散佈极端宗教与偏激种族言论, 恐怖活动者, 是否違反"人权, 民主, 自由"的原则? 


馬来报章对泰馬边境發现玌葬崗作出置疑: 是执行人员鬆弛或贪污?



内政部長表示, 乱葬崗事件调查显示我国执法官员与他人合作贩卖人口, 不只涉及本地人, 还包括国际犯罪集团

国家面对數百万非法外劳, "伊斯兰国"恐怖暴力组织成员干扰(20/5/15)….. 

国家面对數百万非法外劳, "伊斯兰国"恐怖暴力组织成员干扰,毒品泛滥, 偷渡客入侵等压力, 国内安全,社会治安受威骨, 国家保安机制策略的加強, 调整是必要, 以提升防範, 执法效率,以保障人民安全


大馬多年来基於人道立场收容多国所谓"难民"的偷渡者, 来自柬埔寨回民, 缅甸罗兴亚族, 邻国及远至欧洲因战乱的回民, 联合国难民署驻馬官员"軽易"發出"难民証", 让所谓"难民"取得居留权, 但转移到他国却不多, "难民"续持在大馬生活, 成家国家压力加重, 形成人蛇集团乘虚而入, 让更多偷渡客大量入浸大馬, 是人道立场与人口贩卖集团间的"较量"

人口贩卖集团的"安排", 奔向怒海(18/5/15)….. 

人口贩卖集团的"安排", 奔向怒海, 期望在他国能寻求新生活,但在掉進人蛇的"陷阱", 悲剧發生, 多年来,10万名缅甸罗兴雅族進入大馬, 在联合国难民署驻馬官员發出"难民证",導致更多偷渡客入浸大馬, 成为国家压力, 社会问题

防範鬆弛, 执法不严, 使數以百万计非法外劳(15/5/15)… 

防範鬆弛, 执法不严, 使數以百万计非法外劳的湧進, 数以千计的偷渡者也通过人口贩卖集团乘虚而入, 列为被观察的国家, 加上駐我国的联合国难民署官员易于發出"难民証"给所谓的"难民", 使国家被人口贩卖集团视为轉運站, 威脋国家安全

2015年7月15日 星期三

No room for racist views Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177


RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177
RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177
RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177

RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177

RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177
RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177
RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177
RACISM, it would seem, rears its ugly head at every pretext even when a thief wants to make good his lie, as the Plaza Low Yat violence demonstrates. Multiracial Malaysia, however, cannot afford to have racist sentiments stalk it 24/7 because that would be like walking in a minefield, one false step and “kaboom”, destruction. Regardless that annihilation is unlikely, but whatever survives that explosion is not going to be pretty. That the peace and prosperity is fragile cannot be swept under the carpet. Malaysian society is too pitted with prejudices cutting along communal lines, and it is time to admit this and deal with it. What is most destructive to a vision of a united Malaysia is the deep-rooted prejudices that are still harboured within pockets of society, stemming from past and present racially-tainted incidents. It is made worse by irresponsible community leaders and members of non-governmental organisations, who propagate half-truths and incite the people to view issues and problems along communal lines.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177
No room for racist views

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177
No room for racist views

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/92177